Thursday, August 19, 2010

So what? I have the right to do ....

While having a time with the Lord, I came across with this beautiful verse that I felt suits the current events.      "Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak." 1 Corinthian 8: 9.

At first it may sounds like some quotation from Dr. Phil but it was not, it was really from the bible.  Wow!  this is a tall order to discuss and spend time using whatever usable brain cells left from excessive thinking last night or a few minutes ago.  This scripture is timeless, it was applicable in its original shape and form then, yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

Tell us, who can't use and wont agree with this simple verse, with some minor exceptions of course, the "Me, Myself and I  Generation" and "It's all about Me" group.   Check this out and use it as a guide post;  Righteousness should be considered when exercising your Freedom otherwise you may be blinded.

Oh, how I wish..